
Staying mindful during the coronavirus lock-down

Patapia Tzotzoli


During the coronavirus outbreak, we will all experience disruption and face unprecedented challenges in our daily lives. Over time, this situation may become particularly challenging and as a result, it could affect our mental health and wellbeing. However, by staying mindful we can increase our self-efficacy (that is, our belief in our ability to accomplish a task or succeed in specific situations) and keep it together in the coming months of lock-down.

Stay grounded

This exercise takes only a minute to complete, and it can help us improve our everyday self-efficacy by helping us stay positive, set daily goals, and grow through reflection. In a notebook, write answers to the following each day before getting out of bed: 1. What am I grateful for? For example, “I’m grateful for my amazing friends.” 2. What would make today great? For example, “Going to bed before 10pm would make today great.” 3. My daily affirmation. For example, “I am resilient and resourceful, and I can find solutions to challenges.”

At night, before going to sleep, answer the following two questions: 1. What three amazing things happened today? For example, “My partner made me breakfast.” 2. How could I have made today even better? For example, “Today could have been better if I’d woken up before my children.”

Come back into your body

During these difficult times, we will inevitably have negative thoughts that may affect how we feel and behave. When we notice such thoughts, we do not need to turn away from them, or try to escape or avoid them. Instead we can stay tuned into our inner world and acknowledge their presence. At the same time, it can help to try to come back into and connect with our body by actively moving it. There are several ways to do this and it’s possible for each of us to find one that suits us.

For example, you could try slowly pressing your fingertips, or stretching your arms and neck, or shrugging your shoulders. Alternatively, you could push your feet hard down into the floor while straightening your back. Moving in these ways helps us gain as much control as we can over our physical actions, even though we cannot control how we feel.

Be kind to yourself

Over the coming weeks and months of social distancing and isolation, there will be moments in which we’ll feel shame for not being “good enough” in our work or in our family. When we feel this way, it‘s important we engage in positive self-talk and act compassionately towards ourselves. During these moments, it can help to remember that although people don’t always talk about it, we all sometimes experience feelings of inadequacy and shame. It’s part of our shared human experience.

That’s why when we feel we aren’t “good enough” or that we’re failing, we should not suppress our feelings, or criticise and compare ourselves with others. Rather, we need to use gentle words to refer to ourselves – be kind and understanding as if we are our best friend who loves us unconditionally. Finally, it’s important not to over-identify with our worrying thoughts as this can draw us into negativity. We should try to be fair and take a more balanced approach by acknowledging our failings but also celebrating our successes.

For more techniques on how to take care of your mental health during the coronavirus crisis, click here

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